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Koke: "El Metropolitano apretará más que el Calderón"

"Es fundamental ganar. En Roma sacamos un punto, no pudimos ganar y tenemos que hacer las cosas bien en casa, ganar los tres puntos", dijo el centrocampista.

Atletico Madrid's midfielder from Spain Koke looks on during a press conference at the Wanda Metropolitano stadium in Madrid on September 26, 2017 on the eve of the UEFA Champions League Group C football match Club Atletico de Madrid against Chelsea FC. / AFP PHOTO / JAVIER SORIANO
Atletico Madrid's midfielder from Spain Koke looks on during a press conference at the Wanda Metropolitano stadium in Madrid on September 26, 2017 on the eve of the UEFA Champions League Group C football match Club Atletico de Madrid against Chelsea FC. / AFP PHOTO / JAVIER SORIANOJAVIER SORIANOAFP