MSI 2017

Bang: "US is good at baseball and Brazil and Europeans are good at soccer, esports are dominated by Korea"

Bang and Peanut were interviewed at a press conference on the fourth day of the Mid-Season Invitational

SK Telecom has completed an almost perfect group stage with a sweeping 8-2. They have finished in the first position of this first round of the MSI and they are the absolute favourites to win the title on Brazilian soil. Their most prominent player so far in the tournament has undoubtedly been the jungler Han "Peanut" Wang-ho, a great signing by the current world champions to seek their third consecutive world title. The former ROX Tigers player has dominated the group stage with an outstanding Lee Sin, getting more than one kill per minute in one of the matches. During the fourth day of the Mid-Season Invitational, both Peanut and his companion Bae "Bang" Jun-sik were interviewed at the press conference.

Referring to the defeat against Flash Wolves: Was it a bad match of yours or was it a good match of the Flash Wolves?

Peanut: It's both, we were actually performing under our level and Flash Wolves definitely brought their game.

Bang: We've made more mistakes than usual, they were definitely better than us.

Did the defeat against Flash Wolves makes you afraid of losing the MSI title?

(B) Whether we win or lose, we actually learn a lot through those games. I do not think a loss is necessarily a better learning experience. We learn through our wins as well. I think we did not take our loss too heavily against Flash Wolves and actually we just would like to face them again in the bracket stages to proves ourselves.

Why are Koreans so above the rest of the regions?

(P) I think we get to play any kind of game at a really really early age, so I think that we tend to adapt to a lot of games quicker than most people. Another thing for motivation is that Koreans have to go to the military service, so there is an extra motivation to be better.

(B) Almost the same as how US is good at baseball and Brazil and Europeans are good at soccer, esports are dominated by Korea right now. And I think the main reason for that is that we grew up playing games and we get into games at a really young age. We play hard and we are really competitive.

Regarding the Sona pick against Team SoloMid

(B) Sona was actually a champion that we have been preparing, even for the LCK finals, but we did not have the chance to select it. We picked Sona because we thought it is a good matchup against Karma while many other support champions were being banned. We also have a lot of joker picks saved, hopefully we will be able to show them.

(To Bang) How does it feel to be the second best Lucian in SKT?

(B) While I was streaming I played against Huni as Lucian so... If I don't get another chance to prove myself I will just accept the fate.

Statements of the press conference obtained thanks to Eric Teixeira. You can follow in Portuguese all the news of the League of Legends competitive scene in Mais Esports.