League of Legends

Carving, co-founder of Origen: "People literally did not want to come to lose"

Michal Konkol

The co-founder of the club confesses that he has felt embarrassed throughout the season

Origen has recently been relegated from the LCS after an extremely negative season for the club. Facing this situation, David "Carving" Primo, one of the founders of the organization, has confronted the questions from the users of Mediavida - a popular Spanish website - in an extensive interview on the MediaLive program on Twitch.

David defined the current situation of the team as "an awful moment," emphasizing that despite the adversity, he does not back down when the community demands an explanation. At the same time, he clarified that the members of the club were really affected by the relegation and are currently in a stage of reflection.

Without further detours, the founder of the team shared his perspective on the sporting decisions of the club throughout the season.

"Obviously, we knew that the team was bad, even a blind man could see it. In order for the team to qualify, there were a lot of problems to overcome... If you have to get rid of many players, that costs money, it's on their contract clauses. And signing others in the middle of the split also costs a lot of money. On the other hand, it was very difficult to hire players because we were in an extremely bad sporting situation and people literally did not want to come to lose.[...] With the signing of Cinkrof I had hope, not to reach the playoffs or make a historic comeback, but at least that if we had to compete in the relegation tournament, we could save ourselves."

"We were in an extremely bad sporting situation and people literally did not want to come to lose"

Looking with perspective at Origen's performance in the spring split, David measured the results as "a disaster of biblical dimensions, a major reality check.[...] We have made the most dreadful ridicule and I think we were getting ahead of ourselves in ridiculousness. I've had a really bad time. We were disappointing everybody everyday."

He does not hesitate to acknowledge that "things have not been done well, not only in the sporting field," and he points out an attitude problem in both players and the staff in general. "If everyone had been pulling in the same direction I think at least we would have won some matches." However, he also directly attacks the players: "My personal point of view is that the attitude of the players has not been good and that they have lacked a lot of commitment."

The sanction of Riot Games

Less than a week ago Riot Games made public a fine of 10,000 euros to the club for irregularities in the contracts of players and coaching staff. According to David, the organization knew everything about the sanction a month in advance. "Riot Games sent the sanction to xPeke and he communicated it to me at the first moment."

"The LCS spot was at risk in the investigation carried by Riot Games"

However, he also ensures that there was a possibility that the situation could have been even worse. "Yes, the LCS spot was at risk during the audit. When you start being requested documents, evidently they want to see if something happens. There was a possibility that the team would lose the spot as it has happened in the case of Huma and other teams."

The future of Origen

The club will be completely re-structured. "Obviously, a lot of things have to be changed in Origen. Otherwise, I think we're going to repeat the same mistakes again. There is a very deep reflection to be made. It's good to know that we've made many mistakes and that we have to change them."

It is still unknown how Origen will handle the next season. "The project is not decided, we have to study very well if we do it and how. It has to be solid, because otherwise, we will not do it. To be a shame in the Challenger Series it is better to do nothing," David says, adding: "I have serious doubts that with the same roster we would be able to do something in the Challenger Series."

"Peke has had a bad time. He does not deserve to finish his player career like this."

Regarding the Spanish star Enrique "xPeke" Cedeño, David himself would confess to not know what was going to happen: "Deciding whether he is going to play or not right now is impossible to know because we do not know the team." However, he stated that: "He will not play support again nor will he play in another place other than the midlane. What I cannot assure is that he will return to play even in mid, because, basically, he doesn't even know it." As a conclusion, he declared from his personal point of view that "Peke has had a bad time. He does not deserve to finish his player career like this."