Exileh: "I think our team is one of the contenders for the first place"

Exileh tells us details about the Summer split, the IEM Oakland and his new teammates in Unicorns of Love for the next season.

Fabian "Exileh" Schubert is a young player from Germany who competes for Unicorns Of Love and will play in the next EU LCS season as the starting midlaner of the team.

Unicorns of Love took fourth place in the playoffs of the Summer split after a regular season where they proved to be able to compete at the same level of the best teams of the region, a growth that has been parallel to Exileh's. "Overall I'm really happy when I think about the Summer split. Even though we had a really rough start as a team we never lost motivation."

Even though we had a really rough start as a team we never lost motivation

However, facing the regional tournament the atmosphere was not optimal. "The only team that would want to scrim us was Giants, which was on the bottom of the ladder at that time." Fnatic and Splyce canceled at the last minute their scrims with Unicorns of Love. Nonetheless, the results were very positive for the unicorns, "I think scrimming Giants is a big part why we became good as a team. They understood and played the game really well, and eventually we both made playoffs."

Good and bad moments are part of us, overcoming adversity with your peers is perhaps one of the best rewards that a person can receive, or at least that is what our interviewee feels, "I dont see myself playing in a different team right now. I just like everyone on the team and they deserve huge credit that I became somewhat good of a player."

Exileh playing with Unicorns of Love Riot Games

In November UOL took first place at IEM Oakland after beating teams like INTZ or Team SoloMid, and it is the first tournament which Exile has won. "It feels Great, before the IEM I couldnt really compare myself to any international midlaners, so I was always wondering how other regions handle certain picks like Kassadin."

In that tournament the starting jungler was the Korean Kang "Move" Min-su, who was at the expected level on numerous occasions, but apparently not all that the team needed. He will be replaced by Andrei "Xerxe" Dragomir. "Yes, we all decided to go with Xerxe instead of Move. Everyone in our team thinks that Xerxe is an insane talent and I'm looking forward to see him playing on stage destroying everyone," says Exileh.

I'm looking forward to see Xerxe playing on stage destroying everyone

The expectations for the next split are clear for him, "I think our team is one of the contenders for the first place, but we take it step by step." In the next season the format changes, the teams will be distributed in two conferences, but to Exileh none of that matters to him today, not even the signings in the other teams of the EU LCS, "Right now I'm more looking forward to IEM Katowice to face Faker and Crown."

We could'nt finish the conversation without talking about the current state of the game, some of the most used champions in the Summer split were Leblanc and Viktor, "I dont think the meta will shift too much, in addition we will see Katarina, Corki and Leblanc," points out Exileh.

With the new champion select format, it is complicated to be able to use only two or three champions throughout the regular season, "Maybe we will see some more rare counterpicks due to the new pick system, I also have some pocketpicks which I dont want to reveal for now."