Bodas 'épikas'

Esta pareja se casa a 120 metros del suelo y las imágenes dejan boquiabierto

Querían celebrar el día de su boda en el mismo sitio donde se conocieron

Esta pareja se casa a 120 metros del suelo y las imágenes dejan boquiabierto

¿Cuál es el sitio más excéntrico en el que imaginas una boda? Cada vez vemos parejas que eligen lugares más originales: bodas en la playa, en barcos, o incluso en globos aerostáticos. Sin embargo, este matrimonio ha ido más allá: han convertido su boda en un deporte de riesgo.

Yan Jenks y Kimberly Weglin son grandes deportistas y unos profesionales del slackline. Ya que se conocieron durante una de sus excursiones, pensaron: ¿por qué no unir nuestro hobbie y el lugar donde nos conocimos para celebrar nuestra boda?

Kimberly tenía claro que era el sitio perfecto para la ceremonia: "se trata de una representación de confianza, amor propio y vida; quiero transladar la energía que me envuelve y unirla en nuestro matrimonio y nuestra vida juntos".

One of my favorite parts about our relationship is that we share the same passions and attitudes towards life. I love that I can share this space with @slackinhigh, above the quiet abyss, with no questions asked, and with full calm and understanding. Between all the highlining and adventuring we have done over the past three years, we have found ourselves constantly putting our lives into each other’s hands (i.e. trusting their rigging, trusting that they’re spotting or belaying you correctly, trusting that they care enough to be attentive, double check their work, and keep you safe, etc.) From that I believe we have developed a really special bond and a really strong trust in one another. When you have done things together that literally challenge your lives, it has a way of highlighting the important things, and every other “problem” you had before suddenly seem to be insignificant in comparison. Our adventures remind us to LIVE together. To be lighthearted and not waste our short time on this Earth squabbling about petty things and “problems” that we don’t really have. Additionally, this photo represents the bond we have with the community in trusting the safety of this net that we all helped weave, rig, and create. @sketchyandylewis. Maybe that’s why the slack family as a whole is so special. We are all bonded in this way that not many people will ever understand. In a way that you only really get to understand when you are pushing your boundaries and having ultimate faith in your fellow human being. ❤️ 📸:@thehearnes

Una publicación compartida de Kimberly Weglin (@_kimw_) el