
Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019: las 20 mejores fotos del año

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Duncan Macfarlane

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Duncan Macfarlane

Andrew Kaineder

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Andrew Kaineder

Stu Gibson

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Stu Gibson

Mathew Tildesley

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Mathew Tildesley

Angus Sheridan

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Angus Sheridan

Ed Sloane

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Ed Sloane PhotographyWSL

Jan Wainwright-Wilson

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.


John Respondek

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:John Respondek

Mathew Tildesley

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Mathew Tildesley

Paul Smith

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Paul Smith

Ray Collins

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Ray Collins

Russell Ord

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Russell Ord

Scott Bauer

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Scott Bauer

Scott Harrison

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Scott Harrison

Simon Williams

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Simon Williams

Stu Gibson

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Stu Gibson

Ted Grambeau

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Ted Grambeau

Ted Grambeau

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Ted Grambeau

Ted Grambeau

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Ted Grambeau

Trent Mitchell

Finalista del Nikon Surf Photo of the Year 2019.

Foto:Trent Mitchell