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Freiburg (Germany), 06/05/2023.- Kevin Kampl of Leipzig (2R) scores the 0-1 during the German Bundesliga soccer match between SC Freiburg and RB Leipzig in Freiburg, Germany, 06 May 2023. (Alemania) EFE/EPA/RONALD WITTEK CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFL regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video.
Freiburg (Germany), 06/05/2023.- Kevin Kampl of Leipzig (2R) scores the 0-1 during the German Bundesliga soccer match between SC Freiburg and RB Leipzig in Freiburg, Germany, 06 May 2023. (Alemania) EFE/EPA/RONALD WITTEK CONDITIONS - ATTENTION: The DFL regulations prohibit any use of photographs as image sequences and/or quasi-video. RONALD WITTEKEFE

Resumen y gol del SC Friburgo vs. RB Leipzig, jornada 31 de Bundesliga

Un solitario gol de Kevin Kampl en la segunda mitad sirve al Leipzig para asaltar los puestos Champions y dejar fuera al equipo revelación en Alemania (0-1).