Gaming Club


Logros para todos los jugadores en Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary

El desarrollo de la revisión de la primera entrega de la saga ya está terminado.

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary llegará a las tiendas de todo el mundo para rememorar la primera gran aventura del Jefe Maestro en poco menos de un mes. El videojuego de 343 Industries ya está terminado, pues ha alcanzado el estado gold, y pondrá sobre la mesa un plantel de logros cuya obtención dependerá tanto de nuestras acciones en la campaña como de nuestro acierto en el multijugador. Algunos de los logros que se plantean son especialmente atractivos para los jugadores aficionados a completar todos los secretos de un título.

Lista de logros (en inglés)

Pillar of Autumn
Complete the level 'Pillar of Autumn' on any difficulty.
25 points

Complete the level 'Halo' on any difficulty.
25 points

Truth and Reconciliation
Complete the level 'Truth and Reconciliation' on any difficulty.
25 points

The Silent Cartographer
Complete the level 'The Silent Cartographer' on any difficulty.
25 points

Assault on the Control Room
Complete the level 'Assault on the Control Room' on any difficulty.
25 points

343 Guilty Spark
Complete the level '343 Guilty Spark' on any difficulty.
25 points

The Library
Complete the level 'The Library' on any difficulty.
25 points

Two Betrayals
Complete the level 'Two Betrayals' on any difficulty.
25 points

Complete the level 'Keyes' on any difficulty.
25 points

The Maw
Complete the level 'The Maw' on any difficulty.
25 points

Birth of a Spartan
Complete every level of the game on Normal difficulty.
10 points

Believe in a Hero
Complete every level of the game on Heroic difficulty.
20 points

Living Legend
Complete every level of the game on Legendary difficulty.
50 points

Standard Operating Brocedure
Complete any level on Normal difficulty cooperatively.
10 points

Complete any level on Heroic difficulty cooperatively.
20 points

Bro Hammer
Complete any level on Legendary difficulty cooperatively.
50 points

He's Unstoppable!
Complete any level on Heroic difficulty or higher without taking health damage.
20 points

Level-Specific Achievement List

Overshields are for Sissies
Complete the level 'Pillar of Autumn' on Legendary without picking up an Overshield.
10 points

Walk it Off
Complete the level 'Pillar of Autumn' on Legendary without picking up a health kit.
25 points

No-Fly Zone
Destroy three Banshees in the level 'Halo' on any difficulty.
10 points

How Pedestrian
Complete the level 'Halo' on any difficulty without entering a vehicle.
25 points

All According to Plan…
Kill all the enemies in the first encounter of the level 'Truth and Reconciliation' without being detected.
10 points

Close Quarters Combat
Complete the level 'Truth and Reconciliation' with at least four rounds left in your Sniper Rifle.
25 points

Storm the Beach on the level 'The Silent Cartographer' without losing any marines on Heroic difficulty or above.
10 points

After activating the map in the level 'The Silent Cartographer,' complete the rest of your mission without firing a shot on Heroic difficulty or above.
25 points

Wraith Hunter
Destroy four Wraith tanks in the level 'Assault on the Control Room.'
10 points

I'll Be Taking That!
Pilot a Banshee on the level 'Assault on the Control Room.'
25 points

This One's for Jenkins!
Kill 50 Flood Combat Forms on the level '343 Guilty Spark' on Heroic difficulty or higher.
10 points

Breaking Quarantine
Escape the Forerunner facility on the level '343 Guilty Spark' in 21 minutes.
25 points

That Just Happened
Complete the level 'The Library' on Heroic difficulty or higher without dying.
10 points

Speed Reader
Complete the level 'The Library' on Legendary difficulty in 30 minutes or less.
25 points

Look Out for the Little Guys
Complete the level 'Two Betrayals' on Heroic difficulty or higher without killing any Grunts.
10 points

Leave It Where It Lay
Complete the level 'Two Betrayals' on Legendary difficulty without picking up a new weapon.
25 points

Tying Up Loose Ends
Kill every Elite on the level 'Keyes' on Heroic difficulty or above.
10 points

Kill 100 Flood Infection Forms on the level 'Keyes' on Heroic difficulty or above.
25 points

This Side Up
Complete the Warthog ride on the level 'The Maw' without being forcibly ejected from your vehicle.
10 points

Never Tell Me the Odds
Complete the Warthog ride on the level 'The Maw' on Legendary difficulty with at least a minute remaining on the countdown.
25 points

New Feature Completion Achievement List

What have we here?
Read a terminal.
10 points

Heavy Reading
Read half the terminals hidden throughout the campaign.
25 points

Dear Diary…
Read all of the terminals hidden throughout the campaign.
50 points

Looks like the Oddball
Find your first campaign skull.
10 points

Skulls Taken!
Locate half of the skulls hidden throughout the campaign.
25 points

Locate all the skulls hidden throughout the campaign.
50 points

Complete any level with iron and two other skulls active at Heroic difficulty or higher.
50 points


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

  • 360
  • Acción
El remake del primer Halo con motivo del décimo aniversario de la saga.
Carátula de Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary