Gaming Club

Yu-Gi-Oh: Reshef of Destruction Truco 2

Passwords para cartas.

Passwords de las cartas:

Legion the Fiend Jester 25280974
Leo Wizard 04392470
Leogun 10538007
Leopard Girl 49000779
Lesser Dragon 55444629
Life Eater 52367652
Light Of Intervention 62867251
Lightning Blade 55226821
Liquid Beast 93108297
Lisark 55210709
Little Chimera 68658728
Little D 42625254
Living Vase 34320307
Lord of the Lamp 99510761
Lord of Zemia 81618817
Lucky Trinket 03985011
Lunar Queen Elzaim 62210247
Mabarrel 98795934
Machine Attacker 38116136
Machine Chaser 07359741
Machine Conversion 25769732
Machine King 46700124
Madjinn Gunn 43905751
Magic Jammer 77414722
Magical Ghost 46474915
Magical Hats 81210420
Magical Labyrinth 64389297
Magician of Black 30208479
Magician of Faith 31560081
Maha Vailo 93013676
Maiden of the Moon 79629370
Malevolent Nuzzler 99597615
Mammoth Graveyard 40374923
Man Eater 93553943
Man-Eater Bug 54652250
Man-eating Black Shark 80727036
Man-eating Plant 49127943
Man-Eating Treasure Chest 13723605
Marine Beast 29929832
Masaki The Legendary Swordsman 44287299
Mask of Darkness 28933734
Mask of Shine & Da 25110231
Masked Clown 77581312
Masked Sorcerer 10189126
Master & Expert 75499502
Mavelus 59036972
Mech Bass 50176820
Mech Mole Zombie 63545455
Mechaleon 94412545
Mechanical Snail 34442949
Mechanical Spider 45688586
Meda Bat 76211194
Mega Thunderball 21817254
Megamorph 22046459
Megasonic Eye 07562372
Megazowler 75390004
Megirus Light 23032273
Meotoko 53832650
Metal Dragon 09293977
Metal Fish 55998462
Metal Guardian 68339286
Metalmorph 68540058
Metalzoa 50705071
Meteor Black Dragon 90660762 or 13567890
Meteor Dragon 64271667
Midnight Fiend 83678433
Mikazukinoyaiba 38277918
Millenium Golem 47986555
Millennium Shield 32012841
Milus Radiant 07489323
Minar 32539892
Minomushi Warrior 46864967
Mirror Force 44095762
Misairuzame 33178416
Mon Larvas 07225792
Monster Eye 84133008
Monster Tamer 97612389
Monster-egg 36121917
Monstrous Bird 35712107
Monsturtle 15820147
Moon Envoy 45909477
Mooyan Curry 58074572
Morinphen 55784832
Morphing Jar 33508719
Mountain 50913601
Mountain Warrior 04931562
Muka Muka 46657337
Muse-A 69992868
Mushroom Man 14181608
Mushroom Man #2 93900406
Musician King 56907389
M-warrior #1 56342351
M-Warrior #2 92731455
Mysterious Puppeter 54098121
Mystery Hand 62793020
Mystic Clown 47060154
Mystic Horseman 68516705
Mystic Lamp 98049915
Mystical Capture Chain 63515678
Mystical Elf 15025844
Mystical Moon 36607978
Mystical Sand 32751480
Mystical Sheep #1 30451366
Mystical Sheep #2 83464209
Namuriko 90963488
Neck Hunter 70084224
Needle Ball 94230224
Needle Worm 81843628
Nekogal #1 01761063
Nekogal #2 43352213
Neo The Magic Swordsman 50930991
Night Lizard 78402798
Nightmare Scorpion 88643173
Niwatori 07805359
Nobleman Of Extermination 17449108
Novox's Prayer 43694075
Obese Marmot of Ne 56713552
Octoberser 74637266
Ocubeam 86088138
Ogre of the Black Shadow 45121025
Old Lizard Warrior 43230671
One Who Hunts Soul 03606209
One-eyed Shield Dragon 33064647
Ooashi 13906696
Ooguchi 58861941
Ookazi 19523799
Orion the Battle King 02971090
Oscillo Hero 82065276
Oscillo Hero #2 27324313
Pale Beast 21263083
Parrot Dragon 62762898
Patrol Robo 76775123
Peacock 20624263
Pendulum Machine 24433920
Penguin Knight 36039163
Penguin Soldier 93920745
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth 48579379
Performance of Swords 04849037
Petit Angel 38142739
Petit Dragon 75356564
Petit Moth 58192742
Phantom Dewan 77603950
Phantom Ghost 61201220
Phantom Thief 24348204
Pinch Hopper 26185991
Pot the Trick 55567161
Power of Kaishin 77027445
Pragtical 33691040
Prevent Rat 00549481
Princess of Tsurug 51371017
Prisman 80234301
Protector of the Throne 10071456
Psychic Kappa 07892180
Pumpking the King 29155212
Punished Eagle 74703140
Puppet Ritual 05783166
Queen Bird 73081602
Queen of Autumn Leaves 04179849
Queen's Double 05901497
Rabid Horseman 94905343
Raigeki 12580477
Rainbow Flower 21347810
Raise Body Heat 51267887
Rare Fish 80516007
Ray & Temperature 85309439
Reaper of the Card 33066139
Red Archery Girl 65570596
Red Eyes Black Dragon 74677422
Red Medicine 38199696
Restructor Revolution 99518961
Resurrection of Chimera 39399168
Reverse Trap 77622396
Revival of Sennen 16206366
Revival of Skeleton 31066283
Revived Serpent Night 39411600
Rhaimundos of the 62403074
Right Arm of Forbidden 70903634
Right Leg of Forbidden 08124921
Roaring Ocean Snake 19066538
Rock Ogre Grotto #1 68846917
Rock Ogre Grotto #2 62193699
Rock Spirit 82818645
Rogue Doll 91939608
Root Water 39004808
Rose Spectre of Dune 32485271
Rude Kaiser 26378150
Ryu-kishin 15303296
Ryu-kishin Powered 24611934
Ryu-ran 02964201
Saber Slasher 73911410
Sage's Stone 13604200
Saggi the Dark Clown 66602787
Salamandra 32268901
Sandstone 73051941
Sanga of the Thunder 25955164
Sangan 26202165
Satellite Cannon n Control 50400231
Sea Guardian 85448931
Sea Kamen 71746462
Sea King Dragon 23659124
Sea King of Fury. 18710707
Sectarian of Secrets 15507080
Sengenjin 76232340
Serpent Marauder 82742611
Shadow Ghoul 30778711
Shadow Specter 40575313
Shadow Spell 29267084
Shining Friendship 82085619
Shovel Crusher 71950093
Silver Bow & Arrow 01557499
Sinister Serpent 08131171
Sinister Shadow 63125616
Skelengel 60694662
Skelgon 32355828
Skull Guardian 03627449
Skull Night 02504891
Skull Red Bird 10202894
Skull Servant 32274490
Skull Stalker 54844990
Skullbird 08327462
Sky Dragon 95288024
Sleeping Lion 40200834
Slot Machine 03797883
Snakeyashi 29802344
Sogen 86318356
Solitude 84794011
Sonic Maid 38942059
Sorcerer Of The Doomed 49218300
Soul Hunter 72869010
Soul of the Pure 47852924
Space Megatron 39181897
Sparks 76103675
Spellbinding Circle 18807108
Spider Crab 34536276
Spike Seadra 85326399
Spikebot 87511987
Spiked Snail 98075147
Spirit of the Book 14037717
Spirit of the Harp 80770678
Spirit of the Mountain 34690519
Spirit of the Wind 54615781
Stain Storm 21323861
Star Boy 08201910
Steel Fan Fighter 13616074
Steel Ogre Grotto #1 29172562
Steel Ogre Grotto #2 29172562
Steel Ogre Grotto #2 90908427
Steel Scorpion 13599884
Steel Shell 02370081
Stone Armadiller 63432835
Stone Dragon 68171737
Stone Ghost 72269672
Stone Ogre Grotto 15023985
Stone Statue of the Ancients 31812496
Stop Defense 63102017
Stuffed Animal 71068263
Succubus Knight 55291359
Suijin 98434877
Summoned Skull 70781052
Supporter in the South 41422426
Swamp Battleguard 40453765
Sword Arm of Dragon 13069066
Sword Hunter 51345461
Sword Hunter 5134561
Sword of Dark Destruction 37120512
Swords of Revealing Light 72302403
Swordsman From Afar 85255550
Swordstalker 50005633
Synchar 75646173
Tainted Wisdom 28725004
Takriminos 44073668
Takuhee 03170832
Talons of Shurilan 74150658
Tao the Chanter 46247516
Tatsunootoshigo 47922711
Temple of Skulls 00732302
Tenderness 57935140
Tentacle Plant 60715406
Tera The Terrible 63308047
Terra Bugroth 58314394
The 13th Grave 00032864
The Bistro Butcher 71107816
The Drdek 08944575
The Fiend Megacyber 66362965
The Immortal of Thunder 84926738
The Judgement Hand 28003512
The Melting Red Sh 98898173
The Snake Hair 29491031
The Statue of East 10262698
The Stern Mystic 87557188
The Thing That Hides 18180762
The Unhappy Maiden 51275027
The Wandering Doomed 93788854
The Wicked Worm Beast 06285791
Thousand Dragon 41462083
Three-legged Zombie 33734439
Thunder Dragon 31786629
Tiger Axe 49791927
Time Wizard 71625222
Tiny Guardian 90790253
Toad Master 62671448
Togex 33878931
Tomozaurus 46457856
Tongyo 69572024
Toon Alligator 59383041
Torike 80813021
Trakadon 42348802
Trap Hole 04206964
Trap Master 46461247
Tremendous Fire 46918794
Trent 78780140
Trial of Nightmare 77827521
Tripwire Beast 45042329
Turtle Bird 72929454
Turtle Oath 76806714
Turtle Racoon 17441953
Turtle Tiger 37313348
Turu-Purun 59053232
Twin Long Rods #1 60589682
Twin Long Rods #2 29692206
Two-headed King Rex 94119974
Two-Headed Thunder Dragon 54752875
Two-mouth Darkruler 57305373
Tyhone 72842870
Tyhone #2 56789759
Ultimate Dragon 17928958
Umi 22702055
Unknown Warrior of the Fiend 97360116
Uraby 01784619
Ushi Oni 48649353
Vermillion Sparrow 35752363
Versaga the Destroyer 50259460
Vile Germs 39774685
Violent Rain 94042337
Violet Crystal 15052462
Vishwar Randi 78556320
Waboku 12607053
Wall of Illusion 13945283
Wall Shadow 63162310
War-lion Ritual 54539105
Warrior Elimination 90873992
Warrior of Tradition 56413937
Wasteland 23424603
Water Element 03732747
Water Girl 55014050
Water Magician 93343894
Water Omotics 02483611
Waterdragon Fairy 66836598
Weather Control 37243151
Weather Report 72053645
Wetha 96643568
Whiptail Crow 91996584
White Dolphin 92409659
White Magical Hat 15150365
Wicked Dragon with Teeth 02957055
Wicked Mirror 15150371
Widespread Ruin 77754944
Wilmee 92391084
Wind Djinn 97843505
Wing Eagle 47319141
Wing Egg Elf 98582704
Winged Cleaver 39175982
Winged Dragon #2 57405307
Winged Dragon, Guardian Of The Fortress #1 87796900
Winged Egg of New Life 42418084
Winged Trumpeter 94939166
Wings of Wicked Flame 92944626
Witch of the Black Eye 78010363
Witch's Apprentice 80741828
Witty Phantom 36304921
Wodan the Resident 42883273
Wolf 49417509
Wood Clown 17511156
Wood Remains 17733394
Wow Warrior 69750536
Wretched Ghost of Darkness 17238333
XYZ-Dragon Cannon 91998119
Yado Karu 29380133
Yaiba Robo 10315429
Yamadron 70345785
Yamadron Ritual 29089635
Yamatano Dragon Scroll 76704943
Yami 59197169
Yaranzo 71280811
Yashinoki 41061625
Yormungarde 17115745
Zanki 30090452
Zarigun 10598400
Zera Ritual 81756897
Zoa 24311372
Zombie Warrior 31339260
Zombyra the Dark 88472456
Zone Eater 86100785

Yu-Gi-Oh: Reshef of Destruction

  • GBA
  • Puzle
Konami vuelve a ofrecer a los usuarios de Game Boy Advance un nuevo título basado en el exitoso anime de Yu Gi Oh
Carátula de Yu-Gi-Oh: Reshef of Destruction