RANKINGForbes publica la lista de estrellas fallecidas que más dinero ganan: Kobe Bryant, sextoLa revista ha publicado el prestigioso ranking en el que el indiscutible líder vuelve a ser, por octavo año consecutivo, Michael Jackson.Eric SantosEricSantosCActualizado a 14 de noviembre de 2020 18:40 CET1 / 10gettyimages-88695476Michael Jackson waves to photographers during a 1996 press conference in Paris. The first posthumous album by the King of Pop, who died in 2009, has been trailed by controversy since its 2010 releaseVincent Amalvy2 / 103 / 104 / 10gettyimages-88695476Michael Jackson waves to photographers during a 1996 press conference in Paris. The first posthumous album by the King of Pop, who died in 2009, has been trailed by controversy since its 2010 releaseVincent Amalvy5 / 106 / 107 / 108 / 109 / 1010 / 10gettyimages-88695476Michael Jackson waves to photographers during a 1996 press conference in Paris. The first posthumous album by the King of Pop, who died in 2009, has been trailed by controversy since its 2010 releaseVincent AmalvyEtiquetado en:Michael JacksonRevista ForbesKobe BryantRevistasPrensa económicaPrensaMedios comunicaciónComunicación
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